

  1. MEMBERSHIP There shall be two classes of membership as follows
  2. Full Membership: This shall consist of registered Tug-of- War Clubs and Judges/Recorders, plus

Individual members who are not members of are connected to a registered Tug- of- War Clubs, and shall pay a subscription as laid down by the Annual General Meeting.
Clubs may register for either the outdoor or the indoor season or both upon payment of the appropriate fee.
Judges domiciled out with Scotland may register with STOWA provided they are not registered with any other tug-of-war association and can justify the General Committee of their competence.

The Management of the Association shall be vested in the General Committee.

  1. Associate Membership: This will be open to members of registered clubs and to other organisations that may wish to support the Association, but will not be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
  1. Changing Clubs: Registered individuals may resign from a club and register with another provided the Secretary of STOWA is informed. The new registration will be recognised 30 days after notification.
    1.          2024-5 Subscriptions:                       Club                        £100.00
                                                                             New Club               £40.00
                                                                             Individual              £10.00

The Headquarters and Registered Office of the Association shall be the address of the General Secretary in office at that time.

  1. The Officers of the Association shall consist of:

The Chairman
The Vice Chairman
The Treasurer
The Secretary
The Assistant Secretary
The Convenor of Judges
The Public Relations / Press Officer
Any other Office Bearers as may be thought necessary.

The above officers being elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, or whenever the need arises.

  1. The General Committee shall consist of one representative (or an authorised deputy) from each registered club, in addition to the Officers indicated in sub paragraph (a).


  1. The General Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members:

                 but such members will not have the right to vote at Committee Meetings.

  1. The General Committee shall regulate its meetings as it may determine.


  1. The General Committee shall be responsible for all aspects of the Sport taking into account the views expressed at the Annual General Meeting.
  1. The quorum at a meeting of the General Committee shall be two Officers and three Club representatives. See sub paragraph (a) and (b) above.


  1. In exceptional circumstances, in order to maintain the business of the Association

The quorum may be reduced.


  1. The General Committee shall appoint such sub- committees as may be deemed necessary, and

shall determine their terms of reference, powers, duration’s and composition.

  1. The following Special Committees shall be formed annually at the Annual General Meeting:


Disciplinary/Complaints Investigation Committee: This Committee shall consist of:

                The Chairman
                The Secretary
                The Convenor of Judges
                Three General Committee Representatives plus
                Three other qualified and registered judges, as selected by the Chairman and Secretary

The quorum for such a committee being four.

Judges Grading and Appointments Committee: this Committee shall consist of:
                The Convenor of Judges plus
                One other Judge plus
                One puller plus
                One coach selected by the General Committee.


All meetings of the Association shall be held in accordance with the standing orders laid down in     Appendix A.



  1. The financial year shall end on 30th September.
  1. The Association shall require proper books of accounts to be kept, and these shall be produced at the Annual General Meeting.



All monies and other property from time to time belonging to the Association shall be paid or applied, as may be thought fit towards the furtherance of the objects of the Association.



The objects of the Association shall be:

  1. Foster and control amateur tug-of-war in Scotland.
  1. Lay down and enforce rules and regulations covering all aspects of tug-of-war.


  1. Arrange and provide for the teaching of tug-of-war.



All members shall abide by the rules of the Tug-of-War International Federation applicable to National Tug-of-War Associations.



All competitions held under STOWA rules must have an official permit. The fee for the permit is £35.00. If the scales and ropes etc are not required then the fee is £25.00. Permit fees are not charged to registered clubs.



All clubs shall on joining the Association register their individual members on the appropriate form and subsequently, any change in membership as it occurs. Annual returns of individual members shall be submitted to the Association when renewing membership.


All matters concerning complaints and discipline shall be dealt with entirely by the Committee as indicated in paragraph four, sub-paragraph (b), and shall be in accordance with the procedure laid down in Appendix B.


The constitution shall not be altered except on a resolution passed by two thirds majority of the members present at a special General Meeting called for that purpose. The Secretary shall receive a resolution for the alteration of the constitution at least thirty days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be brought forward. The notice in writing of such a meeting given by the Secretary to members shall include notice of alterations proposed.

  1. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held each year, and not later than 31st October.


   (b)        The members of the Association (whether they hold FULL or ASSOCIATE membership) who have paid the annual subscription shall be entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting.

(c)        The subscription must be paid between the date of the Annual General Meeting and the first notified competition of the season. No official will be permitted to officiate at any competition unless the annual subscription has been paid. Similarly, no club will be permitted to compete in any of the National Championships or more than two ordinary STOWA events until such time that they have paid the annual registration fee.



With effect from the 1999 Annual General Meeting International Representation for Indoor
Tug-of-War will be based on a Scottish Squad system.

  1. To appoint a National Team Coach / Manager on a annual basis (Range of duties to be discussed)
  2. To invite all interested pullers to attend regular National training sessions with a view to selection.
  3. The National Team Coach will undertake the Team(s) selection / Manager through consultation as and if required.







STANDING ORDERS for meetings of the Association

  1. Business Before the Meeting


The meetings will proceed in accordance with the agenda before it. The motions to be debated will be received by the Secretary in accordance with any instructions that may have been issued.

  1. Motions and Amendments


  1. The first proposition on any particular subject shall be known as the original motion and succeeding propositions on this subject shall be called amendments. All motions for debate at the AGM shall be printed in the Agenda. A delegate must move every motion or amendment from those attending the meeting. Any motion not so moved will not be debated.
  1. All motions must be seconded and no delegate shall move or second more than one amendment to that motion.


  1. All amendments to a motion must be formally proposed and seconded immediately following the proposing and seconding of the motion and before any debate takes place on the motion.
  1. The mover of the motion shall open the debate and then the motion and all amendments shall be debated. At the conclusion of the debate a vote shall be taken on the amendments. If an amendment is carried, it will take the place of the original and will itself become the substantive motion. After the vote on any amendment, the surviving proposition shall be put to the vote as the main question and, if carried, becomes a resolution of the meeting.


  1. Motions shall be passed, rejected, or remitted for further consideration.
  1. No discussion will take place on any emergency motion or amendment until it has been accepted by the meeting by a majority of the delegates present.


  1. Selection of Speakers

Every member shall stand when speaking and shall address the Chairman as Mr. Chairman.  When more than one member rises to speak, the first to rise shall be given precedence, the decision resting with the Chairman, but the member who rose immediately after the first one will have the right to speak at the close of such member’s address, again the decision resting with the Chairman.

  1. Speeches


No member shall be allowed to speak more than once on any motion under discussion or on a point of order except the mover of the original motion. But on amendment moved, any member
(even though he has spoken on the original motion) may speak again on the amendment. Except by permission of the Chairman, no member shall speak for more than five minutes at one time other than the mover who may speak for 10 minutes. Members wishing to raise points of order must first obtain permission from the Chairman and must rise immediately the alleged breach has occurred. Any member may formally second any motion or amendment and reserve his speech until a later period in the debate





  1. Right of Reply


The mover of the original motion shall, if no amendment be moved, have the right to reply at the close of the debate upon such motion. When an amendment is moved he shall be entitled to speak thereon in accordance with Standing Order No 4 and at the close of the debate on such amendment shall reply to the discussion, but shall introduce no new matter. The question shall then be put to a vote immediately, and no further discussion will be allowed once the question has been put from the chair. The mover of an amendment shall not be entitled to reply.


  1. Closing the Debate
  1. Next Business: The motion for the next business may be proposed and seconded only by members who have not previously spoken at any time during the debate. No speeches shall be allowed and upon acceptance of the motion, the meeting will move to the next business on the Agenda without any further discussion or vote being taken.


  1. Adjournment of the Question: Any member who has not already spoken during the debate may move the adjournment of the question under discussion, but must confine his remarks to that question of the adjournment and must not discuss any other matter. The mover of the motion, upon which the adjournment has been moved shall be allowed the right of reply on the question of the adjournment, such reply shall not prejudice his rights of reply of the motion. The General Committee of the Association shall determine the time for the question to be reintroduced.
  1. Moving to Vote: The motion for moving to the vote may be proposed and seconded only by members who have not previously spoken at any time during the debate. No speeches shall be allowed. In the event of the moving to vote being carried, the mover of the original motion shall have the right to reply in accordance with Standing Order No.5 before the vote is taken.


  1. Chairman’s Ruling

                If the Chairman rises to call a member to order, or for any other purpose connected with the proceedings, the member speaking shall thereupon resume his seat and no other member shall rise until the chair is resumed. The ruling of the Chairman on any question under Standing Orders, or on points of order, shall be final unless challenged by not less than 4 members, and unless the majority of the delegates present vote to the contrary.

  1.        Misconduct


If any member interrupts another while addressing the meeting or use abusive or profane language, or causes any disturbance and refuse to obey the Chairman when called to order, the Chairman shall name him. He shall thereupon be expelled from the meeting and shall not be allowed to enter again until an apology satisfactory to the meeting is given.

  1.         Suspension of Standing Orders


                In the event of any matter of urgency, the Chairman may accept a motion for the suspension of Standing Orders. The member moving such suspension must clearly state the nature and urgency of his business, the numbers of the Standing Orders affected, and the length of time (not exceeding 20 minutes) he desires such suspension to last. At the option of the meeting a further extension
                may be allowed, but no suspension shall take place except by a majority of delegates present




10.          Voting Procedure

 The only persons entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting are Full members of the Association, and no proxy voting shall be permitted.
Voting cards will be issued on arrival to be used under the direction of the Chairman and the value of such cards shall be:

  1. Office Bearer (Executive Committee) who is either a full individual or a fully paid up

Member of a registered club, - 1 vote per person shall be allowed.

(2)      Individual Full Members,    - 1 vote per person shall be allowed.

(3)      Registered Clubs,                - 3 votes per club shall be allowed.


11.          In all cases where an equality of votes exists, the Chairman of the Meeting will use a casting


                Official complaints must be submitted in writing, and within fourteen days of the alleged offence, to the Secretary. However, unless sufficient evidence is provided to satisfy the Secretary and Chairman that redress is warranted, then such a complaint will not be investigated. Furthermore, complaints that have been submitted by any of the following will not be considered:

                (i)             Unregistered Individuals.
                (ii)           Unregistered Clubs.

  1. Athletes who have not been registered by their clubs through the Association, and prior to the alleged offence.

Provided that the official complaint meets the above requirements, then the Secretary shall:

  1. Write to the members of the Disciplinary/Complaints Investigation Committee and inform them of the date and venue for the investigation to take place.


  1. Send to the person or club concerned by recorded delivery letter, details of the allegation to be investigated together with the date, time and place for the hearing of the investigation so that the person or club concerned receives the notice at least 21 days before the date of the hearing. A club shall be informed that it can make a written reply to the allegation prior to a full investigation-taking place.
  1. Summon such a person or an official of such club to attend that hearing or to answer such an allegation in writing before the date fixed for the hearing.


  1. Inform such person or officer of his right to be represented at the hearing by another member of his club or any person, particulars of the person attending to assist the club or individual are to be given to the Secretary at least 14 days before the hearing. In this case both persons are entitled to attend the hearing and to inform the committee of any witnesses who it is felt can assist the investigation.
  1. Require the attendance of such witnesses, as the committees consider able to hold the investigation with their evidence.


  1. An investigation may proceed even if the person or club officer is not present at the hearing.
  1. The findings of an investigation committee shall be put in writing.



                Under STOWA Rules, a person or club may appeal against a decision of the Disciplinary Committee to the General Committee of STOWA.

Note:     There is no appeal against the decision of a Judge relating to matters arising in the course of the actual competition.
                Every person or body possessing and wishing to exercise a right to appeal under the constitution or Rules for Competition shall send to the General Secretary of STOWA a signed Notice of Appeal accompanied by a deposit of £50.00, which sum shall be returnable at the discretion of the General Committee. The notice must state the grounds on which the Appeal is based and whether all or part only of the findings or sentence is appealed against. Upon a receipt of a notice of Appeal the General Secretary of STOWA shall:

  1. Summon the General Committee of STOWA.
  2. Communicate the date and place of the hearing to all parties directly affected by the appeal.
  3. Send to the appellant a copy of the reasons for the decision against which the appeal is brought and inform him of his rights to present his case in writing or in person, and that he may, if so desires, be represented in addition by one other member of his club or by one other person.

The Disciplinary Committee against whose decision an appeal is brought shall:

                Forward the General Secretary STOWA, within 7 days, all relative documents and any notes made which would assist the Committee hearing the appeal.

                The Committee may recommend that the appeal be allowed or dismissed, that the decision be varied. An appeal shall not under any circumstances be considered if the person or club concerned has disregarded the decision pending the appeal.